Publications and Presentations


Stone-Cadena, Victoria and Soledad Alvarez, “Historicizing Mobility: Coyoterismo in the Indigenous Ecuadorian Migration IndustryANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. Volume: 676 issue: 1, page(s): 194-211. March 2018.

Stone-Cadena, Victoria. “Indigenous Ecuadorian Mobility Strategies in the Clandestine Migration JourneyGeopolitics. 2016

Stone-Cadena, Victoria. “Ecuadorians and Ecuadorian Americans: 1940-Present.” In Immigrants in America: Arrival, Adaptation, and Integration. Ed. Elliot Robert Barkan. ABC Clio, CA. 2013. Pp. 897-908.

Stone-Cadena, Victoria. “Book Review: The Ecuador Reader: Language, Culture, Power.” In Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Vol 17. Issue 2. July 23, 2012. Pp. 349-351

Stone-Cadena, Victoria, “Summary of the UNDP – Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Biodiversity Initiative Ecuador Consultation: Biodiversity and Ecosystems: Why These are Important for Sustained Growth and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: 24-25 November 2009” United Nations Development Programme, Spanish and English versions.

Stone, Victoria, “Crude Birth Rates and Contraceptive Use among NYC’s Racial and Ethnic Groups and Latino Nationalities in 2002,” In Latino Data Project Reports. Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies of the CUNY Graduate Center. Issue 8. 2006: 1-8.

Stone, Victoria, “Latino Educational Enrollment and Attainment Levels in New York City,” In Latino Data Project Reports. Issue 6. Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies of the CUNY Graduate Center, 2005: 1-13.

Stone, Victoria, “Crude Birth Rates and Contraceptive Use by Racial/Ethnic Groups in the United States, 1990-2000,” In Latino Data Project Reports. Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies of the CUNY Graduate Center, 2004. Issue 5: 1-11.


¿La situación que se vive en Ecuador puede ser el comienzo de una revolución política en ese país?: Univision, October 10, 2019. New York, NY

“Mirada histórica y reflexión desde etnicidad para analizar el vínculo entre migración de niñez y adolescencia y coyoterismo” VI Congreso Latinoamericano y caribeño trata de personas y tráfico de migrantes. FLASCO – Ecuador. November 7-9, 2018. Quito, Ecuador.

“Muskuna en Kichwa: perspectivas transnacionales de la recuperación y los activismos políticos y digitales en las comunidades runa de Ecuador” Lenguas Indígenas de América: Expresiones, traducciones, recuperación y revitalización. La Casa de las Américas. October 9-12, 2016. Havana, Cuba.

 “Coyoterismo in the Americas: The Myths of Mobility” Beyond Coyotes: Current Trends in the Facilitation of Irregular Migration in Latin America, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, April 5, 2018.

“Latinos indígenas: perspectivas de los espacios sociales y las representaciones públicas de comunidades indígenas en los EE.UU.” IV Coloquio International Latinos en los Estados Unidos: Socialización de latinos en los Estados Unidos: educación, religión y medios de comunicación. Casa de las Américas. Havana, Cuba. October 16-18, 2017.

“Indigenous Mobility Strategies in Rural Highland Ecuador.” Panel Title: Indigenous Mobilities. American Anthropological Association. November 16-20. Minneapolis.

“Indigenous Migration Merchants: Coyoterismo and Indigenous Mobility in the Migration Industry” Conference Title: Critical Approaches to Irregular Migration Facilitation: Dismantling the Human Smuggler Narrative. European University Institute. April 5-6, 2016, Florence, Italy.

“Indigenous Latinos: the challenges for inclusion for indigenous groups” Panel Title: Latino New York: Changing profiles of Latino populations in New York City. Panel Organizer and Presenter. Latin American Studies Association (LASA). May 27, 2015. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

“Indigenous Migrant Families in Spain and the United States” Interdisciplinary Workshop on Migration as a Family Matter: Perspectives from inside and outside of the Law. Invited Panelist. March 30 and 31st, 2015. VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“States of Destination: Transnational Migration and Human (Im)mobility” Panel Title: Borders of Democracy. Presenter. International Studies Association (ISA). February 18, 2015. New Orleans, LA.

Studying Up in the Americas: Critical Excursions into Privilege. Workshop Moderator. October 16, 2014. CUNY Graduate Center. New York, NY.

“Indigenous Migration and Networks of Solidarity in Transit Corridors,” Clandestine Migration Routes and Human Insecurity Workshop. Invited Presenter. May 16-18 2014. Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University. Providence, RI.

“Development ‘brokers’ and indigenous actors: the transformation of livelihoods in southern highland Ecuador” American Anthropological Association. November 2012. San Francisco, CA

“Transnational Indigenous Migration,” American Anthropological Association. November 2010. New Orleans, Louisiana.

“Transnational Indigenous Migration: Racialized Geographies and Power in Southern Highland Ecuador,” Society for Applied Anthropology. March 2010. Merida, Mexico.

“Transnational Indigenous Ecuadorian Migration: Racialized Geographies and Power in the Southern Highland Province of Cañar,” The Latinoization of the Americas: Structural Realities, Fluid Identities: A Symposium. Fall 2009. Ramapo College of New Jersey